Why not bring a solution?
These days social media plays an integral part in all our lives. Just as we tie our pets these tie us, the optical fibers that were once just supplementary tools are now one's necessity. It was once a fact that we humans form a major part of our planet Earth but now it is the technology that has overpassed the human race. After these introductory sentences of mine, you all must be wondering what does this has to do with the title. Yes, it does have a connection. Before talking about something one must be told about its evolution with time. In this case, it's media and social networking sites. Various sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram have turned out to be a boon to all of us. Today if someones-LOST or KIDNAPPED the most effective method is to find him or her is by using social media. It has come to a stage that now people depend more on media than the police. These all might be really needful there are even these awareness videos- about rape, assaults, etc. OH WAIT NO TH...