
Showing posts from April, 2021

One Step At A Time

Came forward this article as to how the Delhi Kejriwal government has taken education to new heights and now not just limiting to it but extending to other fields of housing, water, etc as well. Hence, came this idea. From the very inception of our life, the one very common misconception taught to us all is " Life is a Race ".Intriguing it may sound but watching the way life takes us we tend to believe what we are taught. The sad part of it is that this VIRUS in 3 Idiots turns out to be, most of our parents playing the part unknowingly. We are taught the feeling one gets on winning but never as to how to take the criticism and defeat in a productive way which (this feel) is later understood as and when we progress in our lives. Soon do we realize that LIFE ISN'T A RACE and " in this race too it's not the Rabbit who wins but the Turtle" . So lets over this BLAH BLAH BLAH of the world and aim at learning from the defeat and taking one step at a time and start ...