
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Ozymandias Statue Of India

                                                                                                                                                                  Hope the title would have triggered the basic idea behind this blog. For those of you don't know about Ozymandias , its the title for two poetries of Percy Bysshe Shelley . These poems talk about this king Ozymandias whose statue lies with its head down on a deserted land. Symbolizing the way money was wasted in setting up one such statue.  Now coming to know this one would surely treat this blog,  standing as yet another writing against the Statue of Unity, but I m sorry it's not. Reading articles has made me realize the best way to attract more people is by using the given title as in this nation there are more of critics than supporters. Through this blog would like to open up your mind on how the government has started its motion or wave of effective use of governmental money. Would like to start off with the