
One Step At A Time

Came forward this article as to how the Delhi Kejriwal government has taken education to new heights and now not just limiting to it but extending to other fields of housing, water, etc as well. Hence, came this idea. From the very inception of our life, the one very common misconception taught to us all is " Life is a Race ".Intriguing it may sound but watching the way life takes us we tend to believe what we are taught. The sad part of it is that this VIRUS in 3 Idiots turns out to be, most of our parents playing the part unknowingly. We are taught the feeling one gets on winning but never as to how to take the criticism and defeat in a productive way which (this feel) is later understood as and when we progress in our lives. Soon do we realize that LIFE ISN'T A RACE and " in this race too it's not the Rabbit who wins but the Turtle" . So lets over this BLAH BLAH BLAH of the world and aim at learning from the defeat and taking one step at a time and start ...

Anti Virus for This CORONA Virus !!

Author: Abhinav Anand  Twisty title yet again!! It took me long enough, but back with one more blog.  "Don't worry the above pics are not of an advertisement but are being used as a way to make one realize, the importance of this Antivirus not just in computers but human life as well,  (as an advantage). Rather than assuming oneself to be home stuck and cursing which is ultimately not gonna be of any use lets use this opportunity to rejuvenate our confidence. Now now... by rejuvenating let's not go for "Polishing the Banister".Just kidding let's go with something productive. So here I have for you some ways through which we might rejuvenate and use this virus CORONA to our advantage: 1)  Clearing whats before oneself: Many of us face this issue where we want to do a lot or be unsurpassed or be the best we can. Ready to work as hard as possible but still we fail. So now that we are house locked and have ample time for self-reflection lets write all o...

The Ozymandias Statue Of India

                                                                                                                                                                  Hope the title would have triggered the basic idea behind this blog. For those of you don't know about Ozymandias , its the title for two poetries of Percy Bysshe Shelley . These poems talk about this king Ozymandias whose statue lies with its head down on a deserted land. Symbolizing the way money was wasted in setting up one such statue.  Now coming to know this one would surely treat this blog,  standing...

Transformation from title of GOD to a Problem.

I would like to start this by asking you all a riddle. What is that subject which got the importance of God in the initial stages and is taken as a problem in the later years? This might not be a case with the majority but still, it exists and its very existence is an example of an Ignominy behavior shown by those found guilty of this crime. I guess you all would have an idea about this one. Yes, it's about our parents. These subject are to be placed above God but these days are the most ignorant subjects. You all must have heard cases of children leaving their parents on request from there loved ones. These days with every progressing day the number of admissions in old ages keep increasing exponentially. We all have forgotten how we were all taken care of when we were young or kids. If not give them extra care or love at least give them 50% off the amount of love which they gave you. It shouldn't be a one-sided affair. We all have read the famous poem of William S...


Yet another bitter truth of our life is being portraited here under the title of this blog' Declining GURU-DAKSHINA ' for those who don't know the meaning of GURU-DAKSHINA, its a Sanskrit  derived term given to any donation,fees or honorarium given to the GURU as a way of thanking him or her for lending his or her knowledge and restructuring and making one a better person. As usual, this blog would stand incomplete without the example of Eklavya and Dhronacharya's Example..wherein GURU DAKSHINA Eklavya had to give his right thumb. Going a bit offtopic for the reason to give my viewers a reason which remains unanswered to many, but according to my study from various books, I had come to know the reason why?? In this incident, people blame Dhronacharya for being narcissistic but it's not true The only reason behind him asking Eklavya to do so was that in those time it was a crime which would have been committed by Droan as Eklavya had gained all the knowledg...


'Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the same courage to admit it. As said by the martial art expert Bruce Lee. One can connect the title and the quote and know about the topic for .....Yes, it's on the Natural Solecisms caused by human actions. And this blog shall be the next running call for our nation i.e the planetary devastation. I had come forward this term while watching an anime (I m sure you all know it-NARUTO). But this is what can be the future and we might be the next PAIN(a character from the same anime) causing massive destruction to our planet. This blog shall not just be for a particular nation but also the whole world. Though some countries have been able to avoid this destruction others are still on the way to reach this final destruction stage which cannot be undone. Thus, this is a need of the hour for all. We often think that it, not our mistake why shall we suffer( This is the first thought in many of our minds) but this is the first mist...

The UNEVEN Equality

Author: Abhinav Anand The title stands as a perfect paradox and in fact a perfect scenario for the present. If the rich and poor are given equal money still we would end up with inequalities because of lack of perseverance and dedication towards the work. Egalitarianism this heavy word stands of no significance today. The very reason behind this is none other than FEEL OF SORRY FOR OURSELVES. The latest trend these days is that people sympathize with themselves and tend to do no work. Their mindset is like-" OK! Cool don't worry I m not meant for this job let me try something else" The one who overcomes this feeling becomes successful in life!. This stands as one of the common abilities of those successful. The more  परिश्रम  one does in life the better  फल he or she gets(The more hard work one does the more fruitful joy he/she gets). This very thought must be instilled within us all. The other day I viewed videos on the rise of the so-called Smart people and...

The Handicapping Technology

''TECHNOLOGY'' this 10 letter string seems to us as the biggest advantage above any other commodities. But as the title puts it one, it is actually having detrimental effects or causing problem to us. It grasps its analogy from symbolism (biological term) where it is advantageous initially but after the parasite leaves, the host is clapped out. The same goes with the present-day technology..until you use it to your advantage it would be all good for one but the moment its wrong usage is seen it tends to deplete the person. Today's generation seems to have got stuck in this trap. They breathe with their mobiles on and tend to lose contact with the environment and get lazier day after the other. This blog can be an alarming call for those facing it. Thus one must use these electronics for a limited time as extending hours of usage is of great danger. Not just because of the radiation they cause but during interviews or meetings if one is found in possession of his or...

The non deserving are RESERVING.

As it must have been clear from the title. The blog here is on RESERVATION. This eleven-letter word has created quite a hoax. A very common scene is when a financially uplifted candidate uses his/her SC, ST certificates for getting an easy selection....... Ever wondered why America has all INDIANS at top positions?? The reason is Really simple they take deserving Indians and we take Reserving. You all must have confronted TINA DHABI's story??? It's the very example of the fact above. I believe government should conduct the re-titling of people because now all we see are the no- needed or non-deserving using this a tool to ease their way of life. The actually poor or so-called SC, ST, OBCs are unaware of all the special status given to them (by the government to help them get uplifted in the society). My personal belief is that all the economically weak common should be taught or given proper secondary education rather than given good or dream colleges based on their CASTE...By ...